Do something different!


Te Tai Tokerau has so many issues that need addressing.

Housing, employment, roads, cost of living, accessing affordable healthcare just to name a few….Are you tired of living in an electorate plagued by numerous problems?

Look no further than Te Tai Tokerau, where the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party is committed to addressing the pressing issues that are crippling our community.
First and foremost, housing has emerged as a significant concern. Families and individuals struggle to find affordable and suitable accommodation, forcing them into overcrowded houses or even homelessness. Our party aims to tackle this crisis head-on, advocating for better housing provisions, increased funding for social housing, and actively engaging with developers to create more affordable options for our residents.
Unemployment rates in our electorate are also distressingly high. Many of our hardworking citizens are unable to find stable and well-paying jobs, leading to financial instability and limited opportunities. We propose implementing policies to encourage job growth, supporting local businesses, and creating training programs to upskill our workforce. By investing in our community, we can reduce unemployment and improve the overall economic well-being of Te Tai Tokerau.
The state of our roads has become a constant frustration for our residents. Potholes, inadequate maintenance, and limited infrastructure investments hinder our ability to travel safely and efficiently. The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party pledges to prioritize and lobby for increased funding for road maintenance and improvements to ensure smooth journeys, safer commutes, and a boost to our regional connectivity.
Furthermore, the rising cost of living puts additional strain on our constituents. Whether it's groceries, utilities, or everyday essentials, families are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. Our party believes in implementing measures to alleviate this burden, such as introducing policies that promote fairer pricing, supporting local businesses, and advocating for a living wage for all workers.
Lastly, accessing affordable healthcare remains a critical issue in Te Tai Tokerau. Many individuals face barriers when it comes to receiving the medical attention they need, whether due to long waiting times, inadequate resources, or prohibitive costs. The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party is committed to advocating for improved healthcare accessibility, increased funding for medical services, and exploring alternative approaches to healthcare, including medicinal cannabis.
Te Tai Tokerau deserves representatives who will listen and take action.

The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party understands the challenges faced by our electorate and has solutions to address them.

By voting for our party, you can help create positive change, improve the lives of our people,

and work towards building a brighter future for Te Tai Tokerau.

Together, we can overcome these issues and create a thriving community that we can all be proud of.

Maki Herbert for Te Taitokerau

Micheal Appleby

Candidate for Wellington

Micheal Britnell 

Christchurch Central Candidate

Michael Britnell, Party position – President Contact details: 021 082 48062

Born, educated, and married in Christchurch and runs his own accommodation business in Christchurch. “I deal with homeless people every day in tears looking for accommodation, whom we are not always able to help.”

I joined the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party in 1996. I have run in every election since 1999 to articulate the need for regulation of the cannabis industry.

1.4 million people voted YES in the 2020 referendum. It is an injustice, unfair and insulting to ignore them.

It is a hypocrisy for Members of Parliament to admit they smoked cannabis yet to continue to allow people to be criminalised for doing the same thing and destroying their lives with a criminal conviction.

There is dysfunction and chaos in society when we see pre teenage kids involved in ramraids. The current youth crime wave and state of chaos and dysfunction has been decades in the making. This growing distrust and dysfunction are evident in the rapid growth of gang membership. Trust has been broken. Large sectors of the community no longer trust the government. They know the government has been lying about cannabis and other drugs.

Psychedelics and cannabis have now been proved highly useful in treating people for PTSD and depression. E.g., soldiers suffering from what used to be called shell shock. Now thousands of people within regular society are suffering similar symptoms, from over exposure to the vicious drug war, waged by the government, against the citizens of this country. There has been no science behind cannabis prohibition to justify this vicious assault against the cannabis community. Ending the drug war is essential to begin healing in the community.

Regulating R18 Recreational cannabis will help restore trust, law and order.

The bonus of taking cannabis out of the justice system as recommended by the government Law Commission in 2011, will be a financial windfall of hundreds of millions of dollars saved per annum on police, courts, prisons, and probation which are currently overwhelmed and should be diverted into areas of need - health, education, housing, social services etc.

The new tax in the billions, will now be collected from the cannabis trade, including income tax from employment in the Hemp, Medicinal and R18 Recreational industries. This will help the economy and cost of living crisis, as well as help the environment mitigate climate change. Cannabis is one of the most environmentally positive plants on the face of this planet, known to man. Justice delayed is Justice denied.

I appeal to the 1.4 million people who voted YES in the 2020 cannabis referendum to stand up for all our rights and give your Party Vote to the ALCP.

Thank you for your vote.

Kevin O'Connell Candidate for Invercargill

Kevin O’Connell,

Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party

Q1: The potential for legal cannabis, not driving an illicit crime scene, is in the billions. Jobs, freedom, safety, unity, prosperity. What's not to like? One point four million voted yes and got the correct answer. If we also liberalise hemp, why not hemp PLUS an oat milk co-operative plant in Invercargill. Maybe Fonterra could diversify?

Q2: Totally support. ALCP is very pro educating New Zealand. I’m a graduate myself of SIT carpentry. Free trade — great course (but personally blocked from rebuild career 12 years ago due to drug testing). Invercargill is a great city and Zero Fees has really helped Invers get to a new level!

Q3: The party has Aotearoa in the name — that reflects our centring in the principles of the Treaty, in our founding constitution in 1996. We are happy with current settings. This debate is a red herring. Perverse criminalisation of whole New Zealand whanau is a far more serious issue. Kevin for uniting Invercargill!

Paula Lambert

Christchurch East Candidate

Paula Lambert stands in CHCH east. Written by ALCP Executive Thursday, 18 September 2008.

2023 Things haven’t changed much…

My primary school-age son came home a couple of months ago singing 'marijuana, marijuana' and I knew he hadn't heard it at home. This worries me on several levels.

Although there has been talk of cannabis law reform around my kitchen table for a few years, I know the word marijuana - as well as the sight or smell of it - had never been on his radar before. He will be a teenager in a couple of years. And although very intelligent, he is curious, rather cheeky, and a bit of a risk-taker.
I know he will probably come in contact with cannabis sooner rather than later, and later is preferable. But as a result of the short-sighted 1991 Proceeds of Crime Act 'tinny houses' sprang up on every second street throughout NZ. They are easy to find because our black market is massive, and it’s not R18. Teenagers in New Zealand have the highest youth uptake of cannabis in the world. Contrast this with the Netherlands, where they demystified cannabis years ago - by relegating it to R18 cafes and prescription-only pharmacies - and as a result have a youth uptake level that has dropped to a fraction of what it is here. Because my son is Maori that puts him at an added risk because Maori are arrested at a far greater rate than non-Maori kids. Police say cannabis arrest rates have dropped by about 14%, but I wonder whether they still arrest Maori more often than middle-class white kids. Through getting out and about talking with people about cannabis, I suspect that aspect definitely hasn’t changed.

The quality of law impacts significantly on our community well-being. For this democracy of ours to work properly it is important that there be information and systems available to help us judge how well these laws are working. After examining exactly how our 1975 law prohibiting cannabis was formulated - and has since been enforced - I have come to the uneasy conclusion that it is not working, and never will. In fact, the situation has got worse as the years have passed. Today there is more cannabis (and other drugs) available, and it is easier to get them than ever before. When the Misuse of Drugs Act was passed in 1975, I was 15 and cannabis was relatively easy to get, but not universally, as it is now.
No matter how much of our tax money politicians throw against drug prohibition, it seems to make no difference.   It is the same in other countries.  In the USA - where they throw people in jail at the drop of a hat - many of those who work at the coalface of drug abuse and addiction are realising there is something desperately wrong with the 'prohibition' approach, particularly with respect to cannabis.  It is the same here.  Privately many of these people agree.
Well, my son will be a teenager very soon. Because cannabis is illegal how am I, as a loving and responsible parent, supposed to impart some sort of credible health message about it?   Anyone who has children will know that they often only listen with one ear.  As teens, when it comes to trouble, they think they are bullet-proof and invisible.  They don’t believe that they might get caught with it, or that a search or arrest may do them harm. It would be too easy to tell my son that this law is applied in a racist way. I think it would be far safer and more effective to say ‘just say know’ instead of ‘just say no.’
It is also too easy for us to blame cannabis itself (or alcohol, for that matter) for things we think are wrong in our communities. Perhaps we collectively need to take a good look at ourselves.

In NZ we support politicians, doctors, parents and schools who condone prescribing noisy, active ‘naughty’ children Ritalin. We have drug companies pushing old and new drugs openly on TV (the only other country in the world, beside the USA, that allows it). We have grifters such as Trevor Grice and Pauline Gardiner on the radio who scaremonger, exaggerate, criticise, and try to sell their particular brand of simplistic 'life education programmers' to schools, pleading for more of my taxpayer dollars. And now NZ Health Boards are promoting expensive drug testing kits to schools and frightened parents. It might be useful to remember that, in today’s world of the internet and mobile phones in every second pocket, young people are better informed about all sorts of things we never even thought about at their age.   Just how dumb do we think we can really keep them?

The most knowledgeable experts agree that the poverty our most 'at risk' children live in is the single biggest risk factor affecting their future prosperity.  

While the majority of poor and sole parents spend much of their time simply trying to put food on the table, they are morally judged and denigrated by many in the wider community.  Despite the significance of poverty, that vital issue is just not being addressed as effectively as it could be.  Instead, we waste resources building more prisons to make room for these kids in the future and call it 'justice.' When we have drug laws that protect no one, we have no one but ourselves to blame.

As a fellow activist mum said, "How can you be a good mother today, and not be politically involved!" By "activist," I simply mean that you care about your family and your country enough to want to take action.  I would rather ensure the government is focused on family health, education, and safety, rather than making the rich richer or misusing our tax dollars to pay for unnecessary drug wars based on lies.  The harm of using cannabis is grossly overstated.

When sport or ballet lessons overtake civic engagement, democracy withers.   Our children's future is bleak unless far more of us act now:  There is no need for a conflict between being a good mother and being civically engaged.

It is for our children's safety - our number one responsibility as mothers - that we should strive to stand up for human rights, education and health, and environmental justice now, for everyone, and not just the privileged few.

If we parents don't teach our kids to be an activist for real justice, who will?

Paula Lambert standing in Christchurch East

Contact details 022 6400 663 email –

A member of the ALCP for 27 years.

A non-smoker. Works as a driver

Irinka Britnell Candidate for Ilam

Born and educated in Christchurch and works here with her husband in their own business.

The 2010/11 Christchurch earthquakes destroyed our shops, including our Second -hand Curio business. Fortunately, our Budget Backpackers survived enabling us to carry on until Covid shut the world down in 2019/20/21. We’re opened when the world opened and continue to the present day. Slowly building up again alongside our city.

1. I joined the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party in 1996 and have been Secretary for 22 years. I saw it as an important vehicle/platform opportunity to try and stop the damaging effects of cannabis prohibition. Back in 1996 we were a lot more afraid than we are now. I believe the existence of the ALCP has helped reduce the fear factor. There is more education and understanding about cannabis now, with high-cost medical allowed and the slow development of the fledgling Hemp Industry. We need to make medical more accessible and affordable including growing your own. Also promoting the environment saving Hemp Industry to help mitigate Climate Change. However, the most important matter we face now is honoring the 1.4 million people who voted YES in the 2020 Cannabis Referendum for recreational cannabis. That is why I am standing up for our rights against the injustice and double standard of continuing to criminalise our citizens for using a God given herb.

2. A member of Englefield Residents’ Association for 35 years advocating for saving and preserving heritage and green spaces. So much was lost in the Christchurch earthquakes, so what is left is more precious now. Resulting in some character areas being identified for some recognition and protection. Also involved with making many submissions to the CCC advising how citizens cannot afford rate increases, and that they should not be giving, new building permits for developments by the sea, considering climate changes.

3. Life Member of WILPF – 30 years - Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. Providing floral tributes at the Peace Bell in the Christchurch Botanical Gardens for the annual “Hiroshima/Nagasaki Never Again Commemoration.” Marched in the Peace Rallies after the March 15 Terror attacks on the Christchurch mosques and marched in solidarity with the Christchurch women of Iran after women being executed for not wearing the Hijab in Iran.

4. Assisted Larry Ross (deceased) of the Nuclear Free Peace-Making Association who came and spoke on many International J days in Christchurch drawing the connection of the trading of lucrative drugs for enabling arms distribution.

5. Member of Christchurch Multicultural Council representing Macedonia for 19 years. Served as Secretary for 6 x years. Supporting and promoting community cohesion, diversity, and intercultural understanding.

6. Convenor Macedonian Culture Group 24 years. Showcasing and sharing the Macedonia Culture at Multiculture Festivals and Exhibitions.

7. Co -Creator of Award-winning Program on Plains FM called “International Radio Bridge – Love. Peace and Disarmament”. Featuring Peace activists, local and international, including local and international artists, writers, and musicians for 15 years. Assisted in fundraising for Children’s Hospital in Sarajevo during the Balkan Wars and supported New Zealand writer Sheri Laizer by selling her books about the plight of the Kurds in Kurdistan.

I am interested in working with others to help build the best world and people with nature that we can be. We live in an amazing incredible creation; I believe in a Creator, and this is what I dedicate my life to. That is why I am with the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party who have the best policy for:

1. Social justice/Law and Order – R18 Recreation by dedicated outlets, clubs or grow your own for personal use model. Is a success story in other countries which have a Cannabis Regulation Policy.

2. The environment/the Economy - the development of the hemp industry with all its multiple products: building, textiles, paper, fuel, cosmetics, food etc, with the seed: a complete super food, is a no brainer to grow our economy creating jobs and generating new taxes, while mitigating climate change and giving our farmers a new industry to ‘ease’ into. WIN WIN WIN!

3. The Cannabis Medicine matter has been a crime against humanity, to not allow people to use this amazing multipurpose God given herb. More and more benefits are being proved with the discovery of cannabinoid receptors in the Human body. The saddest part about this story is that the United States have had Research Patents since 1942-12-08 – Adams Roger “Isolation of Cannabidiol” and in 2003-10-07 Application granted and Publication for USA Patent on Cannabis US6630507B1 assigned to the US Department of Health and Human Sciences for “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and Neuroprotectants.” In other words, it has proven medical properties, yet governments continued to criminalise their citizens for self-medicating with cannabis, including here in New Zealand. Yes, medical cannabis is legal through an expensive consultation with a doctor and an expensive imported product. This is a system only for the rich. People will resort to the black market or growing their own, while it is cheaper with easier access. The ALCP ask again as we have many times before “Where is the science to continue this injustice?” It is unfair, unkind, unjust, and hypocritical in the light that so many politicians admit to smoking it: to continue to trample on the rights of the 1.4 million citizens who voted YES in the 2020.

Referendum. The three aspects of the cannabis industries together will help push Aotearoa/New Zealand in the right direction for our economy with social justice and law and order helping create greater social cohesion resulting in richer, happier New Zealanders.


Jeff Lye for Northland

Jeff Lye is a father of 3, stepfather of four and among them have given him 17 beautiful grandchildren (mokopunga ).  I have been fighting for fairness since way before 2 degrees and won’t stop until we get the current law overturned. I began my quest in my 20’s joining the very reputable organization NORML. I joined A L C P in 2008 to run in Auckland as there was no other representation there. After being accepted by the returning officer and told everything was in order, Conveniently, I was left off the ballot papers as a candidate in Waitakere so appeared on the list only. In 2011 I ran in Waitakere where The National party narrowly won and then abolished the seat of Waitakere making safe seats Upper Harbour for national and Kelston which was more suitable for Labour. I ran in Kelston in 2014, 2017 and 2020. Ill health forced me to sell my successful moving business “Careful Carriers” and move north where we settled near Kaikohe and am pleased to announce that that is where I will be running in the 2023 General election. In the electorate of Northland, for the “Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party” Being surrounded by very supportive family, friends and colleagues, I am looking forward to this year's Elections. 

BTW the 2020 cannabis referendum passed in Kelston.  

Jeff Lye ALCP deputy leader 0220145123 

 Party Candidate for Whangarei 2023

My name is Jeni de Jonge. I’m 53 years young with 5 children and 7 beautiful grandchildren. I have a background in Business and Management. Elderly and hospice care and worked alongside some beautiful people with special needs to prepare them for school years… Someone once told me to write a book and call it '40 jobs in 1 lifetime.' This year I can add Political Party member.

I'm standing for Whangarei as a candidate for Aotearoa Legalize Cannabis Party alongside our CO leader Maki Herbert. We want to see Northland / Whangarei and Te Taitokerau move forward and take away so much shame and help grow our Economy. Prohibition hasn't worked for our Youth and Māori men. We want to expunge cannabis conviction. Releasing the pressures, so that Rentals… environments are not lost due to a harmless crime … Mental health issues are heightened by convictions ... family issues.

It’s time to make our country not hold labels… Cannabis is a health issue not a criminal one. We want to see a Legalize Cannabis controlled bill and be hands on in with writing the policies. We have the experience… we know the harms and benefits…Personal use for Personal Choice…

I'm already a very strong advocate for our cannabis community known as Mama Jen. I've being doing an 'Educate to Medicate' live every week for over 2 years and 13k fb followers in our family… however, we got closed down last week. Control over education. 2023 is the year you need to vote ALCP in.

It’s our biggest year... this vote will count the most ... we already know what this cannabis bill can do for our Economy…Its what’s our values have stood for and never waived.

To Legalize cannabis.


Party Vote ALCP

Jeni de Jonge for Whangarei

My Name is Christopher Coker from The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party. Great day to be alive in Paradise. It is extremely exciting to be doing the work I do. A little bit more about myself...As a second-generation tradesman, I have often felt let down by my peers around work ethics and Cannabis use. While alcohol was the excepted drug of choice for many, I chose Cannabis, to help with pain relief.
"Losers use drugs, users lose drugs." "Stoner" or "waster" are not words I associate with. I have duel trade qualifications am a father of three, and soon to be four. I am a functioning "pothead". I am here to build a more peaceful world. I am a Cannabis Advocate from Aotearoa. On Instagram I'm @HempStarChrist. I had a snowboard accident in my early 20s and have used Cannabis for the inflammation of my herniated disc. I have been an "illegal" medical Cannabis patient for over 20 years. I'm on the path of Growing, Learning and Teaching. I have dedicated my life to Cannabis.
2010 I was the volunteer resident DJ at Aotearoa’s first Cannabis consumption lounge in New Lynn, Auckland. Our Cannabis Smoking Club was called "The Daktory". To have a "DAK" is to consume Cannabis, if you are into slang / Streetalk you knew the session was on. The Daktory was the home of Mary Jane the Cannabus and was open in Auckland for over 3 years. We, the "Daktivists", held a safe space where Cannabis was accessible over the counter for adult use. Just like an Amsterdam Coffee shop, plotting and scheming to…


I have attended several court cases in support of my peers who have been victims of this drug war, been patted down, searched and arrested for holding a gram and a pipe.
The Judge threw out the case as the police officers had not done their jobs correctly. This gave me more hope that "Legal Cannabis" would be here soon... That was in 2000, and now in 2022 we have just had the 1st legal Cannabis flower prescription sent from Australia for consumption as a tea drink. It is a start.
The Daktory was shut down by the Police. You can check it out on YouTube:
We then fractionated off to form "The Auckland Green Cross." A non-profit charitable trust to help patients gain access to Information around Cannabis Medicines.
I have worked in a major New Zealand Cultivation supplies store.
2016 attended Maui Hemp Institute formal dinner, Hemp dining with Cannabis kombucha, and Cannabis beer, with a walk through of Willie Nelson's two storey Hemp mansion.
Also attended a full day hand on, Hemp construction 101 put on by East Coast Hemp Organization at the EIT in Hawkes Bay.
2017 I gained my hemp license and started Senepret Therapeutics.
Gaining my hemp license to feed my HealthyHempyHens. MPI changed the law and made my business plan redundant. Hemp was no longer allowed to be feed to livestock, only now allowed for humans as cold pressed Hemp oil or crushed dehulled hemp seed hearts.

2019 Attending Dr. David Bearman's 'Cannabis Medicine' Book Tour New Zealand 2019. 

2020 I attended Dr Ethan Russo presents: Medicinal Cannabis, introduction for prescribers.

In 2020 I have begun my journey as a political advocate for Cannabis. I joined the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party…

2020 also had me move to Ruatorea to gain my Sustainable Primary Productions Certificate with Hemp Cannabis being the plant of choice.
Running a breeding program to work on stability of selected cultivars.

2021 I stayed on to help with the outdoor cultivation of RuaBioScience R&D high THC cultivars.
I lived off grid on a small Hemp Farm Volunteering for the @EastCoastCannabisCompany.
We are a small group of Legacy Growers trying to make a change.
2022-2023 Continuing to study and educate myself and the general public about Cannabinoids. Training to be a Cannabis Holistic Health Practitioner.
While volunteering for working at markets and festivals as #HempStarChrist
Continuing to connect with all of Jahs people professional political and patients.

I am so excited about returning to the Bay of Plenty with more experience, knowledge, and more passion for my commitment to competition. If you can appreciate what I have said, and understand the long journey I have been on, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party would be honored to have your support, while I am all around BOP on my Campaign tour.


Over the past two decades I have been in every possible position of the cannabis industry; from starting as a patient, to working as a cultivator and a retailer. I have worked with medical patients, practitioners and now government departments to help educate the greater public about the unlimited potential of cannabis.
My passion and experience in cannabis culture has only grown stronger over the passing years. I would like to honor my calling to utilize my skill set to take the Cannabis Portfolio with both hands and bury it deep into the fertile soil of Aotearoa. Together we can cultivate the World’s Greatest Plant, Cannabis.

I look forward to working with you in the future. Christopher Coker

Your Candidate for Auckland Central

Blair Anderson candidate for Wigram

Blair Anderson candidate for Wigram

For a Seismic shift in the culture of community wellbeing in New Zealand.
An experienced candidate who has debated all the issues time and time again.

Your vote that will deliver a clear message beyond 'business as usual'.
A longtime advocate (>50 years) promoting best practice drug policy around Cannabis, your candidate brings an environmental and governance game-changer. 

Recently returned from 2.5months studying the scale of the success of Canada's drug laws, I am here to inform the community what success looks like and to promote a comprehensive, long-term solution enabling meaningful social dividend on many levels. Principal objectives of this are reductions in crime and public disorder; improvement of the public health; better protection of children; and wiser use of scarce public resources. But not only but also.... I bring "a bewildering range of social and scientific knowledge" (ChCh Press, Mayoral election comment) towards resolving the tensions core to your climate change concerns. I understand the deeply concerning issues we are facing. It is what I do
Vote for Success, Don't Vote for Failure, it just encourages the Bastards!

Blair Anderson 

Social Ecologist 'at large'

Christchurch, New Zealand
ph nz  (643) 389 4065   nz cell 021 823647

Romana Marnz Manning Candidate for: Tuki Tuki

Romana Marnz Manning Candidate for: Tuki Tuki

Hi, I’m Anntwinette Grumball

and I’m your Southland Candidate



Grew up in Gore and now in Invercargill for the last 13 years. Educated in Gore and from a small business family. 

I am passionate about cannabis and hemp and its food, healing, spiritual and medicinal properties.  

Prohibition does not work. Again, Government control. I want full legalization of cannabis and hemp.

  Everyone should be able to grow these plants in their gardens etc as food and to heal themselves. Not Government control. 

  Hemp can be used for so many things and yet only the seed can be legally used in NZ. Government control. 

  Medical cannabis goes to other countries for isolates and then sent back for sale at huge Costs. Government Control. 

  Huge licensing costs to grow. Government control. Laws, one for medical cannabis with no control or restrictions. 

Grow your own or possess and there are very harsh penalties, with outdated laws, and yes, I am a statistic of the justice system. Government control. 

  A victimless crime. 


Legalise cannabis today is what I stand for as well as truth and integrity.

Rebecca Rae Robin

Te Tai Tonga

Party Candidate

I first started working in Cannabis Law Reform at the Daktory, New Lynn Auckland.

I was a student at the Auckland University of Technology. I helped do the administration at the Daktory. There was also a lot of court support for people during this time.

I then worked at the High Tea Cafe in West Auckland doing similar things with the administration work and learning really about cannabis law reform.

I later went on the help with the setup of the Daktory Whangarei. I have performed music at J Day Whangarei and Christchurch I helped get signature for the Its Medicine Campaign where we were successful in getting CBD into the country and available at a high cost but still a victory - I worked with the late Helen Kelly during this campaign. I protested peacefully on the lawns of the Christchurch Police station and have been involved with J Day Christchurch. I speak about cannabis and the law being unjust in a few of my songs - @rubykushmusic is my Instagram and the handle for the rest of my social media. I was raised marching for Women's rights for LGBTQIA rights and I have been marching for these rights for a very long time.

I am a mother musician artist as Ruby Kush Music. I studied in Maori Media and Communications at The Auckland University of Technology.

I am a New Zealander who knows this country would benefit from the Legalisation of Cannabis in numerous ways.

Adrain McDermott Candidate for: Invercargill

Adrain McDermott Candidate for: Invercargill

To keep it short, basically I grew up with real politics and have been involved directly and indirectly for years. (I'm 62 now). I am a practical academic with a diverse range of qualifications including trade-cert, NZCE electrical, and BSc. Throughout the years, I have actively engaged in various roles such as being a student representative for math’s / stats at university and a union representative for staff during my time in the building trade. I even had the opportunity to work alongside unemployed workers' rights organizations in Manawatu when Metiria Turia, who was a young and formidable advocate for workers, was in charge. And now, here I am, standing for the fourth time with the ALCP. My main aim, without a doubt, is to tirelessly work towards the legalization of cannabis while fully supporting the ALCP's visionary policies. Cheers to making a positive change, Adrian.

Anituhia MacDonald List Candidate and Tony Brown list candidate

Anituhia MacDonald List Candidate and Tony Brown list candidate


NZ Election 2020: Te Tai Tonga Anituhia McDonald goes

head-to-head in The Hui debate.

Labour's Rino Tirikatene, the Māori Party's Tākuta Ferris, the Green Party's Ariana Paretutanganui-Tamati and Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis' Anituhia McDonald.

Four candidates from Te Tai Tonga electorate went head-to-head in a debate hosted by The Hui.

Labour's Rino Tirikatene, the Māori Party's Tākuta Ferris, the Green Party's Ariana Paretutanganui-Tamati and Legalise Cannabis' Anituhia McDonald took part in the debate on Tuesday night.

Tirikatene has been a Labour MP for Te Tai Tonga since 2011. Tirikatene wants to ensure the Government's COVID-19 economic recovery plan is to promote Māori partnership and delivery of Government outcomes across the electorate.

Ferris is a staunch advocate for Māori independence. He has accused the Labour Party's Māori caucus of being invisible during the COVID-19 response and believes the Māori Party's return to Parliament is necessary to ensure iwi Māori have a voice.

Paretutanganui-Tamati has a background in social work and Māori development. She will advocate for more state housing and generate options for iwi to build homes. 

McDonald believes legalising cannabis would be a positive impact on society and the economy.

Anituhia MacDonald

List candidate

Tony Brown List candidate and Mike Britnell Party President

Tony Brown is not just a Gardner,

He’s also a dedicated family man. He understands the incredible benefits that the green cannabis fairies have brought to not only his life but also to the lives of thousands of individuals across New Zealand. For him, it's not just about mental relaxation and palliative pain relief; it's about the gratitude he feels towards this free medical aid that has been instrumental in saving millions of dollars from the health Budget each month.

Like the 1.4 million Aotearoa New Zealanders who voted YES in the 2020 cannabis referendum, Tony believes in the power of choice and embraces the idea that our culture, tatou tatou e, should have the freedom to decide.

In his eyes, it's time to take

a bold step forward and Free the Leaf.

The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party is not about promoting

recreational use of cannabis.

That is your choice.

It is about ending prohibition and restoring trust and respect.

Everyday New Zealanders are having their lives torn apart by a criminal conviction.  

Lets create an environment that gives adults

the freedom to use cannabis responsibly.  

Help fix the law.  

Party vote Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party.  

Aotearoa Legalize Cannabis Party... Est 1996

Aotearoa Legalize Cannabis Party... Est 1996